- Incandescent bulbs are mandated to be phased out over the next few years.
- Fluorescent lights have UV rays which have serious repercussions to a person’s eyesight; such as: it can drain vitamin A from your eyes, inflict irreversible damage to the retina, and can cause cataracts. It can also create depression, raise blood sugar levels, and a person could possibly develop melanoma. In addition, it activates symptoms in an autistic child.
- The dangers of Mercury in the Compact Florescent Lights (CFL) are well documented and their use is now questionable.
- Contains up to 50 milligrams of mercury and some contain lead.
- Hazmat cleanup is required with bulb breakage.
- CANNOT be thrown in a dumpster and disposal documentation is required.
- Employee health reduced: more headaches from buzzing and flickering lights.
- Security is reduced with lower light and slow restart lighting after a power surge.